Green Infrastructure Stormwater Opportunities for Commercial Businesses
New event announcement! Join us at the next Green Infrastructure Stormwater Opportunities workshop on Friday, September 14th, 2018. Photo by Ezra Meyer.
Workshop: Green Stormwater Opportunities for Commercial Businesses / Property
Friday, September 14, 2018 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM
First-floor Auditorium, Global Water Center
247 W. Freshwater Way Milwaukee, WI
Please RSVP to if you plan to attend.
This workshop covers green stormwater management opportunities for small business owners and all those involved in decision-making re: commercial property stormwater management.
Please join us as we explore options for dealing with roof and parking lot runoff creatively to both 1) address flooding and water quality and 2) beautify and potentially add value to your business / property. We will cover green stormwater practices such as permeable pavement, rain gardens / bio-infiltration, planter boxes, green roofs, and more.
This workshop will feature presentations by:
· Environmental conservation organizations, Clean Wisconsin and Sweet Water
· The City of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
· A landscape architect with significant expertise working for both commercial property owners and municipalities
· Other business owners / commercial property owners who have implemented green stormwater solutions on their properties
All of the following, who may be involved in decision-making re: stormwater management commercial property, are welcome and encouraged to join us:
- Business owners
- Commercial property owners, managers, and brokers
- Landscape contractors
- Landscape architects and landscape designers
- Municipal staff in planning and zoning, development review, and stormwater/engineering
- Consulting engineers
Please RSVP to if you plan to attend.
Presented by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Sweet Water (the Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds Trust, Inc.), and Clean Wisconsin, under the auspices of the Fresh Coast Green Infrastructure Resource Center.
More information on green stormwater infrastructure opportunities for developers here: