2018 Agenda for Sweet Water’s Science and Policy Committees

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By Janet Pritchard

Sweet Water’s Policy and Science Committees bring together stakeholders from across relevant communities of practice working on watersheds – from government, academia, NGOs, businesses, and funders – to analyze key problems we confront in our efforts to restore the Greater Milwaukee Watersheds.  At these meetings, we unpack the complexities of these problems. More importantly, we work together to design workable solutions to the problems examined, drawing upon the experience, insights, and expertise of people working on these issues from a variety of postures and perspectives. Each committee meets every other month, and sometimes the committees meet jointly.

Over 2018, the Science and Policy Committees will examine several important issues. Potential topics include:

  • TMDL implementation
  • Developing a watershed-wide reporting system to monitor progress to restore the Greater Milwaukee Watersheds
  • Driving best practices in municipal leaf management
  • Ensuring the community benefits of investments in watershed restoration are equitably distributed
  • Rolling out protocols for identifying sources of bacteria loading that have been developed by the Science Committee’s Bacteria Working Group
  • Next steps to address PAH contamination, including disposal considerations for PAHs in stormwater pond sediment
  • Monitoring and addressing chlorides

Does your work involve any of these topics? Would you like to get involved in our Science or Policy Committee? If so, please contact Chris Magruder (Science Committee Coordinator) or Janet Pritchard (Policy Committee Coordinator).

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