Pavilion Sessions


Watertown Waterways Improvement Program: A Local Water Quality Trading Program

Maureen McBroom, City of Watertown and Patricia Cicero, Jefferson County


Going Beyond Flow Path Mapping

Anna Culcasi and Claire Randall, Hey and Associates, Inc.


Flooding Mitigation Efforts Through Public and Private Stakeholder Collaboration

Rick Eilertson and Ashley Leisgang, AECOM

Lunch Session 1

Chloride Impact Study for the Southeastern Wisconsin Region

Karin Hollister, Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

Lunch Session 2

Granular or Liquid Chlorides

Richard Neth, City of Glendale


Why Extreme Rainfall Events Appear to Happen Much More Often than Expected

Dr. William Gonwa, MSOE


Reforestation & Wetland Restoration Program

Jamie Ferschinger, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District